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Teal background with white text saying 'Meeting Rooms' next to a geometric triangle design. Clean and informative tone.
The Bastrop Public Library encourages public use of its meeting facilities in keeping with the library's overall mission to provide general and unrestricted access to informational, educational, cultural, and recreational library materials and services in a clean, comfortable, and secure environment for people of all ages.


The Meeting Room and Conference Room Policy refers to general guidelines and procedures for the use of the library's meeting rooms. Additional guidelines and rules may be required of groups on a case-by-case basis as the need arises or as the Library Director deems necessary. The City of Bastrop reserves the right to revise this Policy, as it deems necessary or from time to time.


Use of library meeting rooms by any group signifies acceptance of the terms of this policy.


The City of Bastrop is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request.


Please address questions not covered within this policy to library administration at (512) 332-8881.


The Pressley Meeting Room can hold 50 people with tables or 100 people without tables.

The Maynard Conference Room can hold 10 people seated at one large table.



  • A deposit of $100 is required for all groups or individuals, whether non-profit or private, in addition to the hourly rate.


  • Pressley Meeting Room rate:
    • Nonprofit - $0.00
    • For-Profit - $50.00 per hour


  • Maynard Conference Room rate:
    • Nonprofit - $0.00
    • For-Profit - $25.00 per hour





Please check our calendar for availability. If you have questions, please contact Terry Carwell.



Meeting Room Application:


Name of Individual Filling Out Application:
Organization Name:
Organization Address:
Contact Phone Number:
Contact Email Address:
Meeting Room: $100.00 deposit required on both meeting rooms.

Approximate number of attendees
Meeting date:
Request a reccuring meeting: Example: 1st Monday of each month

Event starting and ending time: The actual time of the event
Reservation time starts: This time allows for setup. Note: all tables and chairs must be setup by adults (18+) only.
Reservation time ends: Clean up time - Note: clean must be done by adults (18+) only,
Purpose of function:
Authorized representative of above organization I hereby apply for the use of the Pressly Meeting Room or the Maynard Conference Room. My organization and I agree to follow all of the rules and procedures listed in the Meeting Room Policy, which I have been provided and have reviewed, and understand that my organization or me, personally, will be responsible for paying any damages or losses, or clean-up expenses that may result in the above group's use of library facilities. Reservations are approved by the director on a first-come first-serve basis. All reservations are not confirmed until your deposit has been received. Type your name in the box below.







Maynard Conference Room:






Pressley Meeting Room:




  • Community Bulletin Board

    In addition to the Pressley Meeting Room and Maynard Conference Room, we have a community bulletin board and display case where community members are welcome to share flyers and wares.

    Only the following groups/events may submit a flyer to be posted:

    • Local groups
    • Meetings
    • Cultural events
    • Non-partisan political groups
    • Fundraising events for nonprofit organizations
    • Educational opportunities (whether they are for-profit or nonprofit)
    • Other services that are of a nonprofit, non-self supporting nature


    Flyers must be 8.5x11", no larger, and are to be submitted at the Information desk. Flyers posted without permission by library staff will be taken down.


    Because they may be seen by children or adults, all content on the flyers must meet what is generally known as "a standard acceptable to the community". 















1100 Church Street / P.O. Drawer 670 / Bastrop, Texas 78602 / 512-332-8880 /

The Mission of the City of Bastrop is to continuously strive to provide innovative and proactive services that enhance our authentic way of life to achieve our vision.