The FAIRVIEW CEMETERY ADVISORY BOARD serves as a policy advisory board to the City Council recommending rules and policies concerning the use, care, control, management, restriction, and protection of Fairview Cemetery. Anticipated time commitment: Several hours per quarter.
The CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS hears any appeals of decisions and interpretations of the Building Official and considers variances of the technical codes. This board requires its members to have a knowledge and experience in technical codes. Members should be a plumbing contractor, electrical contractor, general contractor, architect, engineer or design professional, builder, or have experience in fire protection. Anticipated time commitment: The Construction Standards Board is currently reviewing the 2018 International Code Council Codebooks and will make a recommendation for Council consideration in October. Once the adoption of Codes are completed, this board will meet on an as-needed basis to hear appeals and consider variances.
The CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION manages the Cultural Arts Master Plan and will have the continued implementation of the CAMP as its charge. The commission consists of members from organizations including, but not limited to, the Bastrop County Historical Society Museum & Visitor Center, the Bastrop Opera House, the Lost Pines Art Center, Bastrop Independent School District, arts and culture business representatives, and other.
The BRIDGING BASTROP BOARD serves to facilitate the development of a strategic plan to assess the
current state of diversity and inclusion in the City of Bastrop in
city services, community engagement, employment
opportunities, and community partnerships; to promote inclusion
and engagement for all community residents.
The BASTROP ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD serves as a catalyst for community development and economic opportunity that enhances the competitiveness of Bastrop and increases property values, sales tax revenue, job opportunities, and quality of life. Members need to have at least one of the following qualifications: have management experience or serve in an executive capacity, ability to evaluate financial, business records, and projections, economic development experience, or education, training, or experience useful to this board’s purpose. Anticipated time commitment: Approximately 10 hours per month to read packet, conduct due diligence to make informed decisions, and attend board meeting(s).
The ETHICS COMMISSION ensures the implementation and enforcement of the City’s Code of Ethics. Anticipated time commitment: Board meets only when reviewing and/or hearing a possible violation of the Ethics Ordinance.
The HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION is empowered to adopt criteria for Council recommendation that protects, enhances, and perpetuates the sites, landmarks or districts of historical and cultural importance and significance. The City represents a unique confluence of time and place that has shaped the identity of generations of citizens, collectively and individually, and produced significant historic, architectural, and cultural resources that constitute Bastrop’s heritage. The make-up of this board includes an architect, planner, or representative of a design profession, representative elected by the County Historical Society, licensed real estate professional, owner of an historic residential structure or property, owner of an historic commercial structure or property, member of Planning & Zoning Commission, and a general resident of City. Anticipated time commitment: Approximately 3 hours per meeting to prepare and attend.
The BASTROP HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD strives to improve the community by working for better housing and to improve the living standards of the community’s low-income families. Board members should have a concern for the Public Housing Authority’s place in the overall community improvement and how best to cooperate with and coordinate efforts with other community improvement agencies; should have a deep sense of financial responsibility for the prudent spending of public funds flowing into the program and a strong interest in operating efficiency; and should have a willingness to devote adequate time and effort to attend and participate fully in meetings and keep fully acquainted with the status of operations. Anticipated time commitment: Approximately 3-4 hours per meeting.
The HUNTERS CROSSING LOCAL GOVERNMENT CORPORATION BOARD was organized for the purpose of aiding, assisting, and acting on behalf of the City of Bastrop, TX to implement the City-approved Service Plan for the Hunters Crossing Public Improvement District and to perform such other functions as the City from time to time lawfully may delegate to the Corporation. Anticipated time commitment: Couple of hours per quarter.
The BASTROP PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD makes recommendations regarding present and future needs of the library such as materials, policy and fees, and hears appeals or challenges to library rules, policies, fines, or acquisitions of library materials. Anticipated time commitment: Couple of hours per month preparing for and attending board meetings.
The MAIN STREET PROGRAM ADVISORY BOARD serves to foster a vision for Bastrop’s future that will establish goals and priorities for the Bastrop Main Street Program and foster revitalization of the Main Street Program Area, coordinate activities of the Program’s standing and special committees, and recommend projects and activities to Council and the Bastrop Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors that are directly beneficial to achievement of economic vitality of the Program Area. Anticipated time commitment: This is an active board with working board members. It requires a lot of time. Board members are expected to participate and attend promotions and events along with volunteering to serve on committees and special projects.
The PARKS & RECREATION / PUBLIC TREE ADVISORY BOARD has two purposes. As the Parks and Recreation Board, this body provides recommendations on plans and programs designed to assist the Parks and Recreation Department in maintaining and improving the City parks and providing recreation programs for the general welfare of the people of the City. As the Public Tree Advisory Board, this body promotes the protection of healthy trees on public property, maintains the City’s designation as Tree City USA, coordinates and promotes Arbor Day activities, and develops public awareness and education programs relating to trees in the city community. Anticipated time commitment: Couple of hours per month.
The PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION promotes economic and community development and neighborhood preservation through the review, study, and consideration of zoning issues relative to state and local laws. Examples include recommendations to Council regarding zoning requests by individuals or developers and any updates to current zoning ordinances. Anticipated time commitment: Approximately 3-4 hours per meeting.
The YOUTH ADVISORY COUNCIL (YAC) promotes the interest and receives input from the youth in the community, researches what other communities are doing to involve the youth in the development of the community and promotes the involvement of YAC to other communities. Applications are handled through Bastrop Independent School District.
The ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS hears appeals from administrative decisions regarding zoning, and in appropriate cases, subject to appropriate conditions and safeguards, may authorize variances from the terms of City of Bastrop Zoning Ordinance. Anticipated time commitment: Couple of hours preparing for and attending board meeting, when scheduled.