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City of Bastrop City Council / Board / Commission - Citizen Comment / Request to Speak Form

For those wishing to address the City Council / Board / Commission, there are two ways to submit a request:


  1. Online Submission: Complete the Request to Speak form (www.cityofbastrop/org/citizencomments) online and submit it to the City Secretary/Staff at least two hours before the meeting starts on the posted date.
  2. In-Person Submission: At the meeting, fill out a Citizen Comment card and submit it to the City Secretary/Staff before the meeting begins.


The Mayor, Board Chair, or Presiding Member will invite speakers to address the City Council / Board / Commission at the appropriate time. Please step up to the podium, state your name and address for the record, and share your thoughts on the specific agenda item or topic. You will have 3 minutes in which to address the Council / Board / Commission.




  • Direct your comments to the Mayor, City Council, or Board / Commission members.
  • Note that, due to legal requirements, the City Council / Board / Commission cannot take immediate action on items not on the Regular Agenda. However, the Council / Board / Commission may:


  1. Place the item on a future agenda for action.
  2. Refer the item to the full Council or a subcommittee for further study.
  3. Refer the item to staff for review or resolution.


Thank you for your engagement and interest in our community!



The Mission of the City of Bastrop is to continuously strive to provide innovative and proactive services that enhance our authentic way of life to achieve our vision.