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Bastrop Cultural Arts Commission


In 2011, the Bastrop Arts In Public Places (BAIPP) Board was created and was instrumental in creating a strong display of public art in the downtown area.  Bastrop was designated by the Texas Commission on the Arts as a Cultural Arts District in 2012, because of its immense wealth of arts and culture institutions and offerings.


At a Joint Workshop between City Council and the BAIPP Board on December 6, 2017, City Council affirmed that BAIPP was the appropriate board to oversee the development of a Cultural Arts Master Plan (CAMP).


On January 3, 2018, BAIPP reviewed the Request for Proposal (RFP) seeking the services of a consultant team that would develop a plan to leverage existing assets, to help focus future funding for cultural arts, and to increase Bastrop’s appeal as a tourist destination. BAIPP, through a Master Plan Committee, reviewed and evaluated submitted proposals and selected a recommendation for the City Council.


On January 9, 2018, City Council approved the RFP, and the Master Plan Committee began reviewing the RFPs submitted and conducted in-person interviews with the respondents. After careful deliberation, the Master Plan Committee recommended that GO Collaborative be awarded the contract to develop the CAMP.


On March 13, 2018, the City Council approved Resolution R-2018-17 authorizing the contract between the City of Bastrop and Go Collaborative to develop the CAMP.  A task force was created on April 24, 2018, for the duration of the project to oversee the overall planning process and to assist with providing feedback and ideas as the various planning processes were mapped out.


From May 2018 through September 2019, the creation of the CAMP took place. Go Collaborative conducted various forms of public engagement, interviews with stakeholders, and research.


On September 4, 2019, the final version of the CAMP was discussed by the BAIPP Board, and the board unanimously voted to present the following statement City Council on September 10, 2019:


“The Cultural Arts Master Plan meets the requirement of the RFQ that was submitted. The BAIPP unanimously endorses this Cultural Arts Master Plan as a way forward to develop the cultural arts in Bastrop. The plan uses a broad brush to guide the vision and coordination of the arts and potential operational way forward with many options for the City Council to utilize this living document and make choices that are appropriate for our City. The BAIPP stands eager to assist with implementation.”


City Council adopted the CAMP as presented by the BAIPP Board in September 2019. The purpose of the CAMP is to harness the ideas and energy of local residents and combine them with national best practices. As a result, Bastrop can support the development of authentic environments and vibrant experiences for everyone. It provides a roadmap for harnessing partnerships with local artists and arts and culture organizations. 


A Cultural Arts Master Plan Ad Hoc Working Group was created shortly after City Council adopted the CAMP in February 2020. The group was assigned the task of making recommendations to the City Council regarding the approach to implement the CAMP. The CAMP Working Group identified the following priorities: diversity and inclusivity; partnerships and collaboration; political, social, and economic stability of the arts; accountability and transparency; effective management of the CAMP; and promotion of Bastrop as an Arts Destination. From this recommendation, the Cultural Arts Commission was formed in January 2021. 


Themes, Values, & Priorities

Diversity & Inclusivity: Founded on principle of diverse and inclusive community engagement.

  • Recruit people of all ages, ethnicities, and abilities to participate in the arts.
  • Weave local histories and neighborhood narratives into arts programming.
  • Actively involve all the arts.
  • Be culturally relevant and appropriate.
  • Take advantage of history and heritage.


Partnerships and Collaboration: Foster and promote partnerships and collaboration.

  • Develop strategic, cross-sector relationships and partnerships.
  • Encourage buy-in from the community.
  • Connect with schools, all arts organizations, individual artists, and businesses.
  • Build and maintain a network.


Political, Social, and Economic Stability of the Arts:

  • Unify local resources.
  • Define and perhaps create income-driven events that bring current resources together.
  • Structure in such a way that will be resilient despite changes to political office.
  • Utilize City staff support.
  • Define expectations for three transition phases: initial phase of creation, second phase of growth, and third phase of Cultural Arts Commission finding stability through grants and other funding sources.
  • Find secure and sustainable funding.
  • Elicit financial support.
  • Create an agile environment, versus a bureaucratic structure.
  • Explore “percent for art” funding which dedicated a % of capital improvement projects to funding arts and culture projects and programming.


Accountability and Transparency:

  • Provide evidence of growth, success.
  • Report to Council quarterly about progress and direction.
  • Define metrics for measurement and charting success.


Effective Management of the CAMP:

  • Create a Bastrop-centric process for implementation.
  • Define the goals of the commission.
  • Oversee the Cultural Arts Master Plan and use it as a blueprint.
  • Define roles for all groups involved.
  • Recruit volunteers.


Promotion of Bastrop as an Arts Destination: Arts & Culture Related Tourism

  • Create marketing for art destination travelers.
  • Build/Create bridges to Visit Bastrop and other boards, commissions, and organizations.
  • Bring back Main Street Festivals.
  • Sponsor annual art focused projects.




Lisa Holcomb 


Place 1

Luis "Chico" Portillo 

Bastrop Independent School District 

Place 2

Michael Jones


Place 3



Maria Montoya Stayton 


Place 4, Chair 

Amy Bailey 

Dance and Music 

Place 5

Kaye Sapikas 


Place 6



Nicole DeGuzman 


Place 7


In April 2022, the CAC launched a “Mini Grants” program aligned with the Commission's core themes, values and priorities, specifically, Diversity & Inclusion, Partnerships and Collaborations, and Political, Social and Economic Stability of the Arts. The Mini Grant Program will help grow and strengthen the local arts community and creative economy by providing support to arts and culture events and activities that enhance the community.


Mini Grant Information and Review Criteria Documents

For more information about the Mini Grant Program and review criteria for applicants. Please click the graphics below. 


Mini Grants 
Art Grants 
Public Art
Mini Grant Review Criteria


Mini Grant Application 
Arts Grant


Cultural Arts Commission Call for Iconic Art Installation - "Bastrop Bird Junction" - Project Peregrine Falcon

The Bastrop Cultural Arts Commission is launching our second installment of public art in Bastrop. This project will help enhance the creative and artistic landscape in the community, and help establish Bastrop as a cultural arts
destination. The Commission is seeking project ideas from independent artists, related to Bastrop's recent designation as a Bird City.

In 2020 Texas Parks and Wildlife declared Bastrop a "Bird City Texas Certified Community", providing habitat and protection for native and migratory birds.

This iconic art project series, Birds of Bastrop, needs to reflect and celebrate our new identity as a Bird City. Depictions, whether realistic, expressionistic, symbolic or abstract, are required to include native bird species, or those species that migrate through the Bastrop area. Other elements are welcome in the imagery, but 80% of the image must contain these bird requirements.


[LINK] View art call here.

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The Mission of the City of Bastrop is to continuously strive to provide innovative and proactive services that enhance our authentic way of life to achieve our vision.