The City of Bastrop has received an allocation of Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recover Funds (SLFRF) funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit responses for a construction contract. The RFP solicitation is to assist the City of Bastrop in providing construction services for projects funded with its allocation of ARPA funds.
Sealed bid proposals addressed to the City of Bastrop, 1311 Chestnut Street, Bastrop, Texas 78602, will be received until 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, for furnishing all labor, equipment, incidentals, and supervision necessary for construction in accordance with plans, specifications, and proposal forms for the following:
Proposals will be opened and publicly read aloud at the date referenced above, at the offices of the City of Bastrop, 1311 Chestnut Street, Bastrop, Texas. No faxed or emailed bids will be accepted.
Plans, specifications, and proposal forms may be examined without charge at the City of Bastrop offices at 1311 Chestnut Street, Bastrop, Texas. Contract documents including bid proposal forms, plans, and specifications for the project may be viewed and downloaded free of charge at on or after December 18, 2024. Hard copies may be viewed or purchased and picked up at the City of Bastrop offices at 1311 Chestnut Street, Bastrop, Texas. Plans, specifications, and proposal forms in electronic (PDF) format will also be available for purchase and pick up at the City of Bastrop offices.
Respondents are responsible to ensure that their RFP response is received in a timely manner and that it contains all elements of the RFP including all required forms and any addendums issued. Respondents should complete the Solicitation Response Cover Sheet/Acknowledgement of Addenda/Submission Checklist contained in Attachment A of the proposal documents and all other requirements identified in the RFP. RFP responses received after the deadline will not be opened and therefore not evaluated or considered for award, regardless of whether or not the delay was outside the control of the submitting provider. The City of Bastrop reserves the right to negotiate with any and all service providers submitting timely responses, to reject any and all bids, and to select multiple respondents if it deems and/or desires to do so, waive any and/or all formalities, and award the bid as it appears most beneficial to the City.
The City of Bastrop is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Minority Business Enterprises, Small Business Enterprises, Women Business Enterprises, and Labor Surplus Area firms are encouraged to submit proposals.
A PRE-BID CONFERENCE will be held on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. The pre-bid conference will convene at the City of Bastrop Water and Wastewater Department offices located at 300 Water Street in Bastrop, Texas. A guided plant walk through will be conducted at that time. Plant visitors will be required to provide and wear their own appropriate PPE for the tour. After the plant walk through, the pre-bid conference will be re-convened at the City of Bastrop offices at 1311 Chestnut Street. Attendance of the pre-bid conference is not mandatory.
A CERTIFIED CHECK or an acceptable bid bond in an amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount bid shall accompany each bid as a guaranty that, if awarded the contract, the bidder will promptly enter into a contract with the City of Bastrop and furnish required performance and payment bonds, proof of insurance, and other articles as identified in the specifications and bid documents.
NO BID may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids for at least ninety (90) calendar days.
Andres Rosales
Assistant City Manager
City of Bastrop, Texas
*Note that Addendum 4 to the RFP adds a second, non-mandatory Pre-Bid Conference and Site Visit on January 24, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. Location is 300 Water Street in Bastrop, Texas.