The process: If you are wanting to read a book that we do not in our
collection, you are welcome to request that we obtain a copy of it via
interlibrary loan (ILL). You can fill out a form on your own or stop by
the Information Desk, and we can help you fill it out. We will contact
another library and have it mailed to Bastrop Public Library. Once we
receive it, we will contact you to let you know you can pick it up, and,
at that time, you will pay the $3 return postage fee. You are able to
check it out for two weeks; then, you return it to us, and we mail it
back to the lending library.
Limitations: You cannot request a book that is over $100.00 or that
is less than one year old. We only accept ILL requests for books (i.e.
not DVD's or CD's).
You may download the ILL form, but you still need to take it to the Information Desk to have the information confirmed.