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Teal background with white text saying 'Frequently Asked Questions' next to a geometric triangle design. Clean and informative tone.
  • Effective January 1, 2020, library patrons living outside the City limits were asked to pay an annual membership to support Library operations. City residents, who support the library through property tax, are eligible for a library card at no additional charge.

    Your library card is your key to checking-out books, library materials, and access to digital resources at the Bastrop Public Library. 


    Requirements for borrowing materials or equipment from the library.

    • Must 18 years of age, agree to accept full financial responsibility for all library materials loaned out on their account. Parents or guardian may apply for their children to get a card and are responsible for all materials checked out by their children.
    • Provide verification of identity and current address.
    • Fill out application for a library card.
    • Users outside of the City limits are subject to a non-resident fee (see fee schedule below).

    Effective January 2, 2025, senior citizens, veterans, and individuals with a disability living outside of the City limits will receive a 20% discount on their annual membership. Non-resident families may opt for a family membership, increasing their check-out limit to 40 items.

    Patrons may have a delay of up to 48 hours to receive their new library card.


    Membership Fees:


    Annual Membership Resident: $0.00

      Non-Resident: $25.00

      Non-Resident Senior Citizen (55+), Veteran, or Individual with Disabilities: $20.00

      Non-Resident Family: $40.00


    Six-month Membership Resident $0.00

      Non-Resident: $15.00


    Miscellaneous Fee Replacement library card: $1.00


    *Fee Schedule is subject to change. For most up to date version see The City of Bastrop’s municipal code 2LI

    **Resident is defined as residing in or owning real property located in the City of Bastrop. Post office boxes cannot be used as proof of residence in the City of Bastrop. 



    White text on a dark blue background reads "Apply for a Library Card." The message is clear and inviting, encouraging action and accessibility.




  • All items are due three weeks after the day you checked them out. 
  • You may renew your items in person or on the phone at (512) 332-8880. 


    You may renew your items online by logging into your account. Click "My account" in the top right corner, then choose "Items Out / Renewals" in the middle of your screen. You may "Renew All Items" or only certain titles by clicking on the "Renew" button at the far right side of the rows. 

  • To reserve an item, first log-in to your account.


    Second, search for the item you would like to reserve. 


    Thirdly, select the "Reserve this item" button. You may change how you'd like to be notified when the item is ready for you. And finally, click "Place reserve."

  • There are three options to obtain a book that Bastrop Public Library doesn't currently have in its collection.


    Interlibrary Loan

    The first is through an interlibrary loan (ILL). Via the ILL process, you tell us what book you want (it must be a book (no DVD's or CD's), must be at least one year old, and must cost less than $100.00 according to Amazon), we contact another library to mail it to Bastrop Public Library, we contact you to pick it up, you read it over two weeks, you return it to Bastrop Public Library, and we mail it back to the original library. Library fee schedule.


    ILL's cost $3.00 per book to cover shipping costs. 




    Further questions can be directed to Terry Carwell


    TexShare Card

    The second option is for you to obtain a TexShare card. With a TexShare card, we at Bastrop Public Library are vouching for you as a trustworthy patron. You are able to visit other TexShare libraries (most public and university libraries in Texas) and check out books. Often, libraries will have stricter circulation policies for TexShare patrons (i.e. you can check-out fewer books).


    Each TexShare card is good for one year, and we are happy to provide you with a replacement once your card has expired. 


    To obtain a TexShare card, you must be a Bastrop Public Library patron in good standing and a Bastrop city or Bastrop county resident. Ask for a TexShare card at the Circulation Desk. 


    Suggest a Title

    Your final option is to suggest the title be added to the Bastrop Public Library collection. You may do so by completing the Suggest a Title form online. 

  • Yes! We have approximately 30 public computers for patrons and guests to use. 

    If you do not have a library card, ask for a guest pass at either the Circulation or Reference Desk. 


  • We have black and white and color printing available at Bastrop Public Library; color copies are $1.00 per page, black and white are $0.10 per page.

    We have a wireless printer; color copies are $1.00 per page and black and white are $0.10 per page.

    Library fee schedule



  • Unfortunately, we do not have a fax machine at this time.
  • We do have a scanner at the library.


  • We do have wi-fi at Bastrop Public Library and is accessible from the parking lot. You don't even need a password. Just select it from your wi-fi options on your laptop or device.


  • The Pressley Meeting Room can hold 50 people with tables or 100 people without tables.

    The Maynard Conference Room can hold 10 people seated at one large table.


    • A deposit of $100 is required for all groups or individuals, whether non-profit or private, in addition to the hourly rate.
    • Pressley Meeting Room rate
      • Nonprofit - $0.00
      • For-Profit - $50.00 per hour
    • Maynard Conference Room rate
      • Nonprofit - $0.00
      • For-Profit - $25.00 per hour


    You can see pictures of both rooms, as well as additional details. 

    Library fee schedule


    When you are ready to make your reservation, to check for availability, or if you have additional questions, please contact Terry Carwell at 512-332-8880. 

  • Storytime is every Wednesday and Friday at 10:30 in the Pressley Meeting Room. For questions concerning storytime, please contact Ariel Dirienzo, Director and Programs Supervisor.


    For additional children's programming, please visit the calendar or the kids' programming page

  • Volunteers must be at least 14 years old. 

    Volunteer application


    Teen volunteers must contact Eva Bernal, Youth Services Librarian, either at the library or via email at


    Adult volunteers must contact Lillian Hibbert, Library Associate Lead, at the library or via email at 

Logo for Bastrop Public Library featuring a geometric design with blue, green, and brown triangles forming a stylized roof. Bold blue and brown text below.




1100 Church Street / P.O. Drawer 670 / Bastrop, Texas 78602 / 512-332-8880 /

The Mission of the City of Bastrop is to continuously strive to provide innovative and proactive services that enhance our authentic way of life to achieve our vision.