There are three options to obtain a book that Bastrop Public Library doesn't currently have in its collection.
Interlibrary Loan
The first is through an interlibrary loan (ILL). Via the ILL process, you tell us what book you want (it must be a book (no DVD's or CD's), must be at least one year old, and must cost less than $100.00 according to Amazon), we contact another library to mail it to Bastrop Public Library, we contact you to pick it up, you read it over two weeks, you return it to Bastrop Public Library, and we mail it back to the original library. Library fee schedule.
ILL's cost $3.00 per book to cover shipping costs.
Further questions can be directed to Terry Carwell.
TexShare Card
The second option is for you to obtain a TexShare card. With a TexShare card, we at Bastrop Public Library are vouching for you as a trustworthy patron. You are able to visit other TexShare libraries (most public and university libraries in Texas) and check out books. Often, libraries will have stricter circulation policies for TexShare patrons (i.e. you can check-out fewer books).
Each TexShare card is good for one year, and we are happy to provide you with a replacement once your card has expired.
To obtain a TexShare card, you must be a Bastrop Public Library patron in good standing and a Bastrop city or Bastrop county resident. Ask for a TexShare card at the Circulation Desk.
Suggest a Title
Your final option is to suggest the title be added to the Bastrop Public Library collection. You may do so by completing the Suggest a Title form online.