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  1. Better Homes & Gardens - Better Homes & Gardens offers beautiful photography and tons of fresh, seasonal ideas for adding charm to your home. Improve your curb appeal and make your space extra cozy with this longstanding guide to home décor.
  2. Better Homes & Gardens DIY - Wood is a DIY magazine for woodworkers and hobbyists. With a blend of tips, tool reviews, and project tutorials, Wood offers something for anyone interested in learning more about the craft of woodworking.
  3. Birds & Blooms - America's #1 bird and garden magazine brings beautiful yards, gardens, and wild birds into your living room with full-color photos and reader-shared stories. You'll love the practical gardening advice; tips; and fun, family projects.
  4. Bloomberg Business Week - Bloomberg Business week is the indispensable global resource for business leaders worldwide who rely on us to move their businesses, careers, and investments forward.
  5. Christianity Today Christianity Today covers the people, events, and ideas shaping the church and culture. It offers the most complete news coverage of the church around the world.
  6. Consumer Reports - Get the latest ratings and reviews plus rigorous reporting on issues that impact consumers.
  7. Cooks Illustrated - Cook's Illustrated provides readers with recipes, cooking techniques, and product and food recommendations exhaustively developed in our extensive Test Kitchen facility-- the same kitchen featured on our cooking show, America's Test Kitchen. Included are best ways to prepare favorite American dishes from pot roast and chocolate chip cookies to grilled salmon and fruit cobbler, best (and worst) cooking equipment from chef's knives to cookie sheets, best brands from canned tomatoes to baking chocolate, and best cooking techniques from brining shrimp to baking ham. And all of this is provided without a single page of advertising-- just 100% cooking information.
  8. Country Living - Country Living is your guide to creating the ultimate in country style. Each issue offers inspirational ideas on decorating and remodeling, antiques and collecting, gardening and landscaping, and entertaining and travel.
  9. Discover - Discover magazine provides a comprehensive look into the latest news in the world of science and the effect it has on our everyday lives. It is sure to satisfy the curiosity of your most inquisitive customers.
  10. Do It Yourself - A magazine for people who love great ideas for repurposing old furniture and making beautiful home decor by creatively using scraps of fabric, paper, scissors, paint and glue. Each issue shows you how to stylize a room with vibrant color and popular trends that will cause visitors to your home to ask you for your decorators contact information.
  11. Family Handyman - This #1 magazine for do-it-yourself homeowners provides step-by-step maintenance, repair and improvement projects, plus tool skills, DIY tips, product-buying advice, storage ideas, weekend projects, tips to improve your yard, woodworking projects, and décor inspiration. Cut the cost of owning a home and enjoy the satisfaction of doing it yourself!
  12. Food Network - Each issue is packed with inside scoops and tips from everyone’s favorite TV stars. Plus hundreds of recipes!
  13. Garden & Gun - Garden & Gun is a high-end southern lifestyle magazine. Its lush photography and award-winning editorial delivers a unique view of art and culture, sporting activities, food and fine dining, and travel destinations throughout the south.
  14.  Good Housekeeping - Good Housekeeping magazine, together with the Good Housekeeping Institute and the Good Housekeeping Seal, is an American icon of consumer protection and quality assurance. Every issue delivers a unique mix of independent investigation and trusted reporting, along with inspirational and personal stories. The magazine's rich tradition embodies a commitment to the modern home and to a woman's quality of life.
  15. Harpers Magazine - This magazine is edited to cover current social, political, cultural, scientific, and economic issues. It also includes reporting, essays, fiction, and memoirs by distinguished writers and promising new voices. It regularly features a statistical index, short cuts from various international texts, and close analysis of current pieces of media.
  16. HGTV - HGTV Magazine inspires readers to create a home they love. Whether we’re helping people choose a pretty paint color, tackle a DIY project, or shop for new throw pillows, we’re engaging our audience in cheerful, fun ways. We also shine a spotlight on the top HGTV stars, who provide tips and helpful advice in every issue.
  17. Magnolia Journal - Find seasonal recipes and home décor ideas from your favorite Texan power couple in The Magnolia Journal. Sneak a peek into the life and home of Chip and Joanna Gaines with reflections from Jo and exclusive design tips. This quarterly lifestyle publication provides insights on family, hospitality, and decorating in the Gaines's signature modern, rustic style.
  18. Mother Earth News - This is a country lifestyle service magazine focused on do-it-yourself living, personal achievement, outdoor recreation, thrift, and the blending of the old-fashioned with modern ingenuity. Its articles cover equipment, tools, gardening, health and home remedies, home building and repair, fishing, natural food and cooking products, recycling, country lore, and small scale farming.
  19. The Nation - The Nation is the oldest continuously published weekly magazine in the United States, covering progressive political and cultural news, opinion, and analysis.
  20. National Geographic - The flagship magazine of the National Geographic Society chronicles exploration and adventure, as well as changes that impact life on earth. Editorial coverage encompasses people and places of the world, with an emphasis on human involvement in a changing universe. Major topics include culture, nature, geography, ecology, science, and technology.
  21. National Review - This magazine has been at the forefront of conservative thought since its founding in 1955 by William F. Buckley Jr. Every other week, National Review provides keen reporting, commentary, and analysis on politics, economics, and current events from a conservative perspective. National Review gives you a side of the news that you just can't find anywhere else-- with a style and wit guaranteed to keep you interested and informed-- plus unsurpassed book and movie reviews.
  22. New Yorker - Week after week, The New Yorker keeps its reader current. The New Yorker is famous for fiction and poetry; book and film reviews; an incisive look at politics, people and the way we live; and (of course!) its cartoons. In-depth reporting, surprising opinions, sharp wit, the best in prose, poetry, and the visual arts are here within these pages.
  23. People - People is America's most popular magazine of celebrities. We're America's trusted connection to the people you want to know and the moments that shape their lives.
  24. Popular Mechanics- Popular Mechanics is for people who have a passion to know how things work. It's about how the latest advances in science and technology will impact your home, your car, consumer electronics, computers, even your health.
  25. Popular Woodworking - teaches the fundamental knowledge necessary for good craftsmanship, with a goal of making readers independent, mindful, and competent woodworkers by filling in the inevitable knowledge gaps that result when teaching a craft to yourself.
  26. Prevention - Prevention is the ultimate live-better handbook. It’s the trusted go-to guide to feeling your best, head to toe, inside and out through trustworthy expert advice, fresh ideas, and health secrets. We bring the latest health research to real life, so you can be healthier, fitter, and stronger.
  27. Progressive Farmer - The Progressive Farmer is built on a foundation of in-depth, award-winning stories to help you navigate the ups and downs of agriculture's cycles. We look for a fresh perspective on topics that matter to you: weed control, soil health, seed traits, farm management, conservation, farm policy, and more.
  28. Psychology Today - Psychology Today magazine is the only magazine devoted to exploring human behavior. Psychology Today takes information from the latest research in the field of psychology and makes it useful to people in their everyday lives.
  29. Reader's Digest - Large Print - Reader's Digest Large Print is packed with the best stories and advice on the topics that matter most to you, all in large, easy-to-read type. Enjoy real-life dramas about hometown heroes, hundreds of jokes, stories and laughs, plus large-print crossword puzzles.
  30. Real Simple - Real Simple focuses on the simple lifestyle movement. With articles about easier ways to care for your home, your family, and yourself, its goal is to make your life smoother and stress-free while introducing you to the best ideas and products.
  31. Scientific American - Since 1845, Scientific American has been educating and delighting readers with in-depth coverage on a broad range of scientific topics. Every month, government leaders, c-suite executives, investors, students, and informed citizens from all professions depend on Scientific American for reporting on advances that impact the economy and careers, financial markets, global health, and the environment.
  32. Smithsonian - Smithsonian magazine places a Smithsonian lens on the world, looking at the topics and subject matters researched, studied and exhibited by the Smithsonian Institution—science, history, art, popular culture and innovation—and chronicling them every day for our diverse readership.
  33. Southern Living - Southern Living contains home improvement, decorating, entertaining, cooking, travel, and, of course, our signature recipes!
  34. Sports Illustrated - Sports Illustrated brings you spectacular action photography and in-depth coverage.
  35. Texas Gardener -A magazine for Texas Gardeners by Texas Gardeners.
  36. Texas Highways - Texas Highways interprets scenic, recreational, historical, cultural, and ethnic treasures of the state of Texas. Its goal is to educate and to entertain, to encourage recreational travel to and within the state, and to tell the Texas story to readers around the world.
  37. Texas Monthly - Texas Monthly has chronicled life in contemporary Texas, reporting on vital issues such as politics, the environment, industry, and education. As a leisure guide, Texas Monthly continues to be the indispensable authority on the Texas scene, covering music, the arts, travel, restaurants, museums, and cultural events with its insightful recommendations.
  38. The Nation - The Nation is America's oldest weekly magazine and is independently published. The Nation speaks to an engaged audience as a champion of civil liberties, human rights, and economic justice.
  39. This Old House - This Old House brings yesterday's craftsmanship, tomorrow's ideas, and today's living all under one roof.
  40. Time - Time reveals what today's headlines mean to you and your family, from politics to science to human achievement, arts, business, and society.
  41. TX Parks & Wildlife - Texas Parks & Wildlife uses words and images to inspire and educate readers and encourage understanding, enjoyment, and conservation of Texas's natural and cultural resources.
  42. Wired - Wired uncovers the most surprising and resonant stories about the people, companies, technologies, and ideas that are transforming our lives. Whether it's technology, business, global politics, new media, arts and culture, design, or the best new products, Wired is there, on the front lines of the 21st century. Find out what's next with Wired!







  1. Scout Life - Scout Life is for all youth. Discover exciting new places, learn new skills (like literacy!), and important tips to stay safe outdoors.
  2. Girls' World - Girls' World is a children's magazine for girls ages 7-12. It's filled with crafts, party ideas for fun with friends, and advice for everything in a girl's life! It's designed to inspire creativity through artwork, crafts, and recipes.
  3. National Geographic Kids- National Geographic Kids is a fact-filled, fast-paced magazine created especially for ages 6 and up. With an award-winning combination of photos, facts, and fun, articles entertain and inspire readers to learn about the world with amazing information about animals, science, technology, archaeology, geography, and pop culture, plus jokes, games, and activities in every issue.
  4. Sports Illustrated Kids - Sports Illustrated KIDS delivers the excitement, passion, and fun of sports to kids, tweens and young teens in an action-oriented, authentic and interactive style. The authority on kids and sports, SI KIDS reflects the interests and humor of its audience.
  5. Young Rider - Young Rider is the magazine for horse-crazy kids ages 8-15. Get ready to ride with a fun-filled mix of English and western lessons, and learn how to take care of horses and ponies. You'll enjoy stories about kids who ride, plus horse breed facts, crafts, and quizzes.



Logo for Bastrop Public Library featuring a geometric design with blue, green, and brown triangles forming a stylized roof. Bold blue and brown text below.




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