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Please note that Backflow Assembly Testers are not affiliated with the City of Bastrop.  They are independent, certified back-flow assembly testers.  The City neither endorses nor recommends any company listed above.  This list is provided only as a courtesy; it is the home/business owner’s responsibility to contact the Certified Backflow Tester of their choice and make arrangements for the testing of the back-flow device that is installed on their property.


Once the test has been completed, the tester will submit a completed Test and Maintenance Report to this office.  If you would like a copy of this report for your records, please notify your certified tester.

If you’d like the names of other testers in the Austin area, please call the Water and Wastewater office at (512) 332-8960. 

All backflow prevention assemblies must be tested upon installation by a licensed backflow prevention assembly tester and certified to be operating within specifications.


All Assemblies - Upon Installation, replacement or repair.
Irrigation - Every Three Years
Health Hazards - Annually

Completed forms must be submitted to the Water and Wastewater office within (5) working days of the test, repair or overhaul of each assembly.


Safeguard Your Water

What is Cross- Connection Control?


Cross-connection control is simply a program that is designed to take the safeguards necessary to protect one of the world’s most essential assets…water.  Only through education and the combined cooperation of the public and your water purveyor, the City of Bastrop, can we ensure a safe supply of drinking water.

The City of Bastrop’s Water distribution system is designed to keep the water flowing from the distribution system to you, the customer.  However, when hydraulic conditions within the system deviate from the “normal” conditions, water flow can be reversed.  When this backflow or back-siphonage occurs, water can enter the distribution system.


The Texas Commission of Environmental Quality and the City of Bastrop require the installation of a backflow prevention assembly to any establishment or residence where a potential contamination exists.  (ie: anything that is hard-plumbed into the City’s water supply.)  It is further required that all assemblies installed to safeguard against potential health hazards be tested annually to ensure they are working properly.  For non-health hazards, including assemblies installed on irrigation/sprinkler systems, testing is required every three years.


 A backflow assembly is an approved, testable assembly which uses valves in different configurations to prevent polluted or contaminated water from reversing direction and flowing backward. 


Keeping water safe from potential contamination is easy.  Take the following precautions to protect your drinking water.


NEVER submerge hoses in buckets, pools, tubs or sinks.


ALWAYS keep the end of the hose clear of possible contaminants.

     (Such as:  Pesticides, Fertilizer, Weed Killer, etc.)


DO NOT use spray attachments without a backflow prevention device.  The chemicals

     used on your lawn are toxic and can be fatal if ingested.


DO buy and install inexpensive backflow prevention assemblies for all threaded

     faucets around your home.  They are available at hardware stores and home-

     improvement centers.


Contact the Water and Wastewater Division at (512) 332-8960 if you have any questions about backflow and




The Mission of the City of Bastrop is to continuously strive to provide innovative and proactive services that enhance our authentic way of life to achieve our vision.