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Drought Contingency Plan


Permanent Water Restrictions


Safe, high quality drinking water is a precious resource in the Bastrop region. This Drought Contingency Plan requires that the available resources of the City of Bastrop be put to the most beneficial use possible. The Plan also requires that the waste, unreasonable use, or unreasonable method of use of water be prevented and that conservation of water be extended with a view to reasonable and beneficial use in the interests of public health and welfare of the Bastrop community. This Plan has been coordinated with the Lower Colorado Region (Region K) Water Planning Group.  In order to conserve the available water supply and protect the integrity of water supply facilities, with particular regard for domestic water use, sanitation, and fire protection, and to protect and preserve public health, welfare, and safety and minimize the adverse impacts of water supply shortage or other water supply emergency conditions, the City of Bastrop hereby adopts the following regulations and restrictions on the delivery and consumption of water.  Water uses regulated or prohibited under this Plan are considered to be non-essential uses; continuation of such uses during times of water shortage or other emergency water supply conditions are deemed to constitute a waste of water which subjects the offender(s) to penalties as defined in Section XI of this Plan.


The City of Bastrop will periodically provide the public with information about water conservation and drought conditions, including information about the conditions under which each stage of the Plan is to be initiated or terminated and the drought response measures to be implemented in each stage. This information will be provided by means of paid advertisements, public notices, press releases and/or utility bill inserts.

The Mission of the City of Bastrop is to continuously strive to provide innovative and proactive services that enhance our authentic way of life to achieve our vision.