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The City of Bastrop Development Services Department has moved all submissions to digital only using the MyGov platform. See the MyGov link on the left-side menu for more information.

Development Process

House Bill 3167 of the 86th Session of the Texas Legislature, now residing in Texas Local Government Code Chapter 212, requires that a subdivision development plan, subdivision construction plan, site plan, land development application, Site Development Plan, preliminary plat, general plan, final plat, and replat be approved, approved with conditions, or disapproved by staff and/or Planning & Zoning Commission within 30 days of submission or it is deemed approved by inaction. Schedules of Uniform Submittal Dates have been adopted to ensure compliance.


To ensure the project is following the correct processes, please schedule a meeting to talk to Staff about the project:

  1. Pre-Application Meetings: discuss general ideas for developing property
  2. Building Pre-Application Meetings: discuss remodels, residential home construction, accessory structures, or other building projects
  3. Pre-Development Meetings: discuss draft plans prior to submittal

All project submittals:

  • Must be submitted on the appropriate date according to the Schedules of Uniform Submittal Dates unless the applicant voluntarily waives the timeline requirements of HB 3167/ LGC 212 or the applicant chooses the alternative development process. Submittal day is Monday before 4:00 pm central time. Submittals received after the deadline will not be accepted until the following Monday.
  • Must be submitted online using MyGov. See link in menu on the left.
  • Mail payment ahead of submitting the application for a complete submittal. Use the MyGov fee estimator tool or call the Development Services Department for a quote if needed. 

Mailing with USPS:
City of Bastrop
Development Services Department
1311 Chestnut Street
Bastrop, TX 78602

Mailing with FedEx, UPS, or other private mail carrier:
City of Bastrop
Development Services Department
1311 Chestnut Street
Bastrop, TX 78602

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The City of Bastrop does not have minimum parking requirements for commercial property. Parking location is regulated, but the number of spaces is not.

  • The City of Bastrop does not have use charts. The Bastrop Building Block (B³) Code regulates primarily by block design, site layout, and building form. Please see the Place Type descriptions in Chapter 3 for general categories allowed in each Place Type.

  • ETJ stands for extra-territorial jurisdiction. Cities are authorized by the State of Texas to regulate subdivision and drainage in the ETJ. 

    • Surveys show property boundaries, improvements on the property, and existing easements.
    • Plats legally establish property boundaries, dedicate rights-of-way and easements, and contain subdivision information.
  • The Houston Toad is an endangered species. It is protected by the Lost Pines Habitat Conservation Plan, which is administered by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and Bastrop County. All development in the Plan's area must receive authorization from USFWS or Bastrop County. More information may be found on Bastrop County's Habitat Conservation website.

Development Team

Development Services

James Cowey

Director of Development Services/Building Official



City Engineer

City Manager's Office

Sylvia Carrillo

City Manager

Parks and Recreation

Terry Moore


Bastrop Power and Light - Electric

Curtis Ervin


Water and Wastewater

Curtis Hancock


Fire Department

Chris Stone

Fire Chief

Streets and Drainage

John Eddleton


Zoning Concept Schemes and

Neighborhood Regulating Plans

This page covers how to change zoning designations and requirements for Neighborhood Regulating Plans.

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Character Districts

Character Districts are areas within the city limits that specify which development style is allowed in that area. Development styles include:

  • Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND): The standard building block grid layout for streets and blocks.
  • Village Center Development (VCD): Dense grouping of predominately P4 and P5 buildings along small, pedestrian-oriented streets with vehicular-oriented streets external to the development.
  • Cluster Land Development (CLD): Consolidates development into one area while preserving natural space in other areas. This is typically used in the Lost Pines Habitat Conservation Plan area (toad habitat).


The Character District will inform the layout of a zoning concept scheme or neighborhood regulating plan.

  • Step 1: Due Diligence and Research

    • Review the current zoning and the associated regulations using the Place Type Zoning Map, B³ Code, and Pattern Book
    • Prepare a diagram showing the proposed zoning, block layout, lot layout, and street types utilizing the B³ Code and Pattern Book
    • Contact the Development Services Department with questions as this is completed

    Step 2: Pre-Development Meeting

    • Request a Pre-Development Meeting using the Request Manager in MyGov. The above mentioned diagram is required as part of the request.
    • You will be contacted to schedule an appointment

    Step 3: Submit Application

    • Submit the Zoning Concept Scheme in accordance with the Schedule of Uniform Submittal Dates.
    • Submit a Conceptual Drainage Plan prior to or concurrently with the Zoning Concept Scheme.
    • The submittals will be reviewed for completeness. If the submittal is incomplete, correction items will be issued to all applicants to remedy deficiencies.
    • Once the submittal is complete, it will be reviewed by Staff for compliance with all Codes. Correction items and/or further direction will be issued.
    • Applicants will resubmit based on correction items issued, in accordance with the Schedule of Uniform Submittal Dates.
    • Once all correction items are remedied, Staff will place the item on the agendas for the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council for recommendation and approval of the zoning ordinance.
  • What is it and when is it required?

    • They review street and block layouts to ensure that complete neighborhoods are created.
    • They are required when developing more than 3.4 acres, which is the size of a Building Block, and must be approved prior to starting the platting process.

    Step 1: Due Diligence and Research

    • Review the current zoning and the associated regulations using the Place Type Zoning Map, B³ Code, and Pattern Book
    • Prepare a diagram showing the proposed zoning, block layout, lot layout, and street types utilizing the B³ Code and Pattern Book
    • Contact the Development Services Department. with questions as this is completed

    Step 2: Pre-Development Meeting

    • Request a Pre-Development Meeting using the Request Manager in MyGov. The above mentioned diagram is required as part of the request.
    • You will be contacted to schedule an appointment

    Step 3: Submit Application

    • Submit the Neighborhood Regulating Plan in accordance with the Schedule of Uniform Submittal Dates.
    • The submittal will be reviewed for completeness. If the submittal is incomplete, correction items will be issued to all applicants to remedy deficiencies.
    • Once the submittal is complete, it will be reviewed by Staff for compliance with all Codes. Correction items and/or further direction will be issued.
    • Applicants will resubmit based on correction items issued, in accordance with the Schedule of Uniform Submittal Dates.
    • Once all correction items are remedied, Staff will approve the plan.
    • Note: If the plan meets the intent of the Code but is not fully compliant, the Planning & Zoning Commission will be the approval authority.


This page covers the subdivision process, from small amending plats and one-lot subdivisions to large subdivisions with new roads and utilities.

Quick Links
General Information
  • The City of Bastrop has subdivision authority inside the city limits and throughout the ETJ.
  • An interlocal agreement with Bastrop County defines areas of the ETJ where the County will review plans. Subdivisions within ETJ Area B should go through Bastrop County Development Services for approval.
  • In order to develop property and obtain permits, either a legally platted lot or a current platting exemption letter is required.
  • If public improvements are required, then the Preliminary Processes, Public Improvement Plans, and Final Plat process will all be required, regardless of number of lots.
  • There are three submittals leading to approval of a preliminary plat:

    1. Preliminary Drainage Plan
    2. Preliminary Infrastructure Plan
    3. Preliminary Plat
    Unless following an approved alternate process, each of the above submittals must be done one at a time, in order.

    A Pre-Development Meeting is required in order to start the Preliminary Processes. The layout will need to be compliant with any approved Zoning Concept Schemes or Neighborhood Regulating Plans for the neighborhood, as well as the Bastrop Building Block (B³) Codes.

    Preliminary Drainage Plan

    What is it?

    • A drainage plan along with a geotechnical report, prepared by a qualified professional testing laboratory, that determines the engineering characteristics of soil, rock and/or fill material such that an engineer can then determine and design the type of foundations, earthworks, drainage infrastructure design, and/or pavement subgrades required for the intended man-made structures to be built.

    Who approves it?

    • The City Engineer

    Is this subject to the Schedule of Uniform Submittal Dates?

    • No, this may be submitted any Monday before 4 pm.

    Review Process:

    1. Submit all required documents on MyGov. See the Preliminary Drainage Plan Checklist for assistance.
    2. Project will be reviewed for completeness. If deemed incomplete, an additional $250 completeness check fee will be applied to the project.
    3. Review, with comments or other direction issued as Correction Items.
    4. Resubmit on the Instructions to Resubmit comment.
    5. Once all comments are remedied, the City Engineer will make a final decision and signatures will be obtained.
    Preliminary Infrastructure Plan

    What is it?

    • The Infrastructure Plan provides a “bird’s eye” view of proposed infrastructure improvements and how the improvements will connect to existing infrastructure. 

    Who approves it?

    • The City Engineer

    Is this subject to the Schedule of Uniform Submittal Dates?

    • No, this may be submitted any Monday before 4 pm.

    Review Process:

    1. Submit all required documents on MyGov. See the Infrastructure Plan Checklist for assistance.
    2. Project will be reviewed for completeness. If deemed incomplete, an additional $250 completeness check fee will be applied to the project.
    3. Review, with comments or other direction issued as Correction Items.
    4. Resubmit on the Instructions to Resubmit comment.
    5. Once all comments are remedied, the City Engineer will make a final decision and signatures will be obtained.
    Preliminary Plat

    What is it?

    • A detailed layout of a proposed subdivision in order to facilitate review of right-of-way (ROW) dedication, easements, lot layouts, and civic space. 

    When is it required?

    • Creating five (5) or more lots.
    • Public improvements are required: roads, water, sewer, etc.

    Who approves it?

    • The Planning & Zoning Commission. They meet the last Thursday of each month, adjusted for holidays.

    Is this subject to the Schedule of Uniform Submittal Dates?

    Key items to have prior to submittal:

    • Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) permits
    • Lost Pines Habitat Conservation Plan (LPHCP) permits
    • Temporary construction easements

    Review Process:

    1. Submit all required documents on MyGov. See the Plat Checklist for assistance.
    2. Project will be reviewed for completeness. If deemed incomplete, an additional $250 completeness check fee will be applied to the project.
    3. Review, with comments or other direction issued as Correction Items.
    4. Resubmit on the Instructions to Resubmit comment.
    5. Once all comments are remedied, the Director of Development Services will make a recommendation to the Planning & Zoning Commission and place it on the next available agenda for approval.
  • Public improvement plans, also known as public improvement construction plans, are broken into three component submittals:

    1. Final Drainage Plan
    2. Public Improvement Plan (PIP)
    3. Public Improvement Plan Agreement (PIPA)
    Final Drainage Plan

    What is it?

    • A more detailed version of the Preliminary Drainage Plan for final design and construction of drainage infrastructure.

    Who approves it?

    • The City Engineer

    Is this subject to the Schedule of Uniform Submittal Dates?

    • No, this may be submitted any Monday before 4 pm.

    Review Process:

    1. Submit all required documents on MyGov. See the Final Drainage Plan Checklist for assistance.
    2. Project will be reviewed for completeness. If deemed incomplete, an additional $250 completeness check fee will be applied to the project.
    3. Review, with comments or other direction issued as Correction Items.
    4. Resubmit on the Instructions to Resubmit comment.
    5. Once all comments are remedied, the City Engineer will make a final decision and signatures will be obtained.
    Public Improvement Plan (PIP)

    What is it?

    • Plan set that details the location, design, composition, and construction of public improvements, such as water lines, wastewater lines, electric lines, streets, etc.

    Who approves it?

    • The City Engineer

    Is this subject to the Schedule of Uniform Submittal Dates?

    Review Process:

    1. Submit all required documents on MyGov. Please see the Public Improvement Plan Checklist or MUD Public Improvement Plan Checklist for assistance.
    2. Project will be reviewed for completeness. If deemed incomplete, an additional $250 completeness check fee will be applied to the project.
    3. Review, with comments or other direction issued as Correction Items.
    4. Resubmit on the Instructions to Resubmit comment.
    5. Once all comments are remedied, the City Engineer will make a final decision and signatures will be obtained.

    Construction and Acceptance Process:

    1. Obtain an executed PIPA (see below).
    2. Send a performance bond to the Development Services Department.
    3. Request and hold a Pre-Construction Meeting.
    4. Receive a Notice to Proceed Letter from the City Engineer.
    5. Start construction and request inspections as progress is made.
    6. Upon completion and passing inspections of the improvements, submit the following to the Development Services Department: Two-year maintenance bond; pdf record drawings; GIS or CAD version of all installed infrastructure; project engineer letter certifying improvements were built in accordance with the approved plans.
    7. Receive Concurrence Letter from City Engineer.
    Public Improvement Plan Agreement (PIPA)

    What is it?

    • An agreement that documents details of the Public Improvement Plan process.

    Who approves it?

    • City Council

    Is this subject to the Schedule of Uniform Submittal Dates?

    • No, submit this on any Monday before 4 pm after the PIPs have been approved. 

    Review Process:

    1. Submit all required documents on the appropriate step in MyGov on the associated PIP project. See the Draft PIPA Example for assistance.
    2. Fees will be assessed.
    3. Review, with comments or other direction issued in the Correction Items section.
    4. Resubmit on the Instructions to Resubmit comment.
    5. Once all comments are remedied, the Director of Development Services will make a recommendation to the City Council and place it on the next available agenda for approval.
  • Final plats will be recorded with the Bastrop County Clerk's Office.

    A recorded plat or a valid platting exemption is required prior to obtaining a site development plan or building permit with the City (for property inside the city limits) or a development permit with the County (for property in the ETJ).

    What is it?

    • A subdivision plat establishes lots, blocks, road rights-of-way (ROW), easements, and subdivision-specific notes.

    When is it applicable?

    • When a section of development within an approved preliminary plat or the entirety of development within an approved preliminary plat is ready for recordation.
    • All public infrastructure must be accepted by the entity taking over maintenance or fiscal surety for installation of public infrastructure must be received prior to final platting.

    Who approves it?

    • The Planning & Zoning Commission

    Is this subject to the Schedule of Uniform Submittal Dates?

    Review Process:

    1. Submit all required documents on MyGov. See the Plat Checklist for assistance.
    2. Project will be reviewed for completeness. If deemed incomplete, an additional $250 completeness check fee will be applied to the project.
    3. Review, with comments or other direction issued as Correction Items.
    4. Resubmit on the Instructions to Resubmit comment.
    5. Once all comments are remedied, the Director of Development Services will make a recommendation to the Planning & Zoning Commission and place it on the next available agenda for approval.
    6. Once approved, signatures will be obtained and the plat will be recorded at the Bastrop County Clerk's Office.
  • Replats will be recorded with the Bastrop County Clerk's Office.

    What is it?

    • A plat that reconfigures lots, blocks, and/or streets in an existing plat.

    When is it applicable?

    • Property is already platted, and one or more of the following:
    • Further subdivision is desired, creating more lots
    • Changes in configuration of lots
    • Property is residentially restricted/limited, whether by zoning or deed restrictions

    Who approves it?

    • The Planning & Zoning Commission

    Is this subject to the Schedule of Uniform Submittal Dates?

    Review Process:

    1. Submit all required documents on MyGov. See the Plat Checklist for assistance.
    2. Project will be reviewed for completeness. If deemed incomplete, an additional $250 completeness check fee will be applied to the project.
    3. Review, with comments or other direction issued as Correction Items.
    4. Resubmit on the Instructions to Resubmit comment.
    5. Once all comments are remedied, the Director of Development Services will make a recommendation to the Planning & Zoning Commission and place it on the next available agenda for approval.
    6. Once approved, signatures will be obtained and the plat will be recorded at the Bastrop County Clerk's Office.

    When is it applicable?

    • Property is already platted, and one or more of the following:
    • Further subdivision is desired, creating more lots
    • Changes in configuration of lots
    • No residential restrictions/limitations

    Who approves it?

    • The Director of Development Services

    Is this subject to the Schedule of Uniform Submittal Dates?

    Review Process:

    1. Submit all required documents on MyGov. See the Plat Checklist for assistance.
    2. Project will be reviewed for completeness. If deemed incomplete, an additional $250 completeness check fee will be applied to the project.
    3. Review, with comments or other direction issued as Correction Items.
    4. Resubmit on the Instructions to Resubmit comment.
    5. Once all comments are remedied, the Director of Development Services will make a final decision, signatures will be obtained, and the plat will be recorded at the Bastrop County Clerk's Office.
  • Amending and Minor plats will be recorded with the Bastrop County Clerk's Office.

    A recorded plat or a valid platting exemption is required prior to obtaining a site development plan or building permit with the City (for property inside the city limits) or a development permit with the County (for property in the ETJ).

    Amending and Minor plats cannot be used if public infrastructure extensions or improvements are needed.
    Amending Plats

    What is it?

    • A plat that amends an existing plat.

    When is it applicable?

    • Common examples include:
    1. Correcting courses, distances, or errors in real property descriptions
    2. Correcting scrivener or clerical errors, including lot numbers, acreage, and street names
    3. Relocating lot lines
    • All available applications of an amending plat may be found in Texas Local Government Code Section 212.016 Amending Plat

    Who approves it?

    • The Director of Development Services

    Is this subject to the Schedule of Uniform Submittal Dates?

    Review Process:

    1. Submit all required documents on MyGov. See the Plat Checklist for assistance.
    2. Project will be reviewed for completeness. If deemed incomplete, an additional $250 completeness check fee will be applied to the project.
    3. Review, with comments or other direction issued as Correction Items.
    4. Resubmit on the Instructions to Resubmit comment.
    5. Once all comments are remedied, the Director of Development Services  will make a final decision, signatures will be obtained, and the plat will be recorded at the Bastrop County Clerk's Office.
    Minor Plats

    What is it?

    • A plat that creates 4 or fewer lots that do not need public improvements.

    When is it applicable?

    • Property that has not been platted before and is not part of a recorded subdivision.
    • When one to four lots are being created.
    • When no public improvements are required (roads, utilities, etc.).
    • When an unplatted lot does not qualify for a platting exemption and meets the above items.

    Who approves it?

    • The Director of Development Services

    Is this subject to the Schedule of Uniform Submittal Dates?

    Review Process:

    1. Submit all required documents on MyGov. See the Plat Checklist for assistance.
    2. Project will be reviewed for completeness. If deemed incomplete, an additional $250 completeness check fee will be applied to the project.
    3. Review, with comments or other direction issued as Correction Items.
    4. Resubmit on the Instructions to Resubmit comment.
    5. Once all comments are remedied, the Director of Development Services will make a final decision, signatures will be obtained, and the plat will be recorded at the Bastrop County Clerk's Office.
  • A recorded plat or a valid platting exemption is required prior to obtaining a site development plan or building permit with the City (for property inside the city limits) or a development permit with the County (for property in the ETJ).

    There are several ways to qualify for a Platting Exemption. Please see the Platting Exemption Information sheet for ways to qualify.

    Review Process:

    1. Submit all required documents on MyGov and pay the $50 fee. Please see the Platting Exemption Information sheet for assistance.
    2. Review, with requests for information or additional documentation added as Correction Items. Review step will have a status of In Review if in review, or Items Required if information or documentation are needed.
    3. Provide information or documentation on the Correction Item as a comment or document upload.
    4. Once all information is reviewed, the Planning Director or their assignee will make a determination and provide a copy of a letter. If the property qualified for an exemption, submit a copy of that letter with the development permit or City permit application. 
    5. If the property did not qualify for an exemption, follow the platting process for the specified plat type.
  • What is it?

    • A deviation from the subdivision regulations. 

    How to apply:

    • Submit a letter requesting the variance as a supplemental document with the subdivision plat. The letter must request a variance, list the specific code section from which the variance is being requested, specify the new standard, and provide justification for the requested variance.

    How a variance will be processed:

    • The plat will require a public hearing at the Planning & Zoning Commission, which includes notification. This can impact which meeting at which the plat would otherwise be considered.
    • The plat will carry a Staff recommendation to deny, as the plat does not comply with the adopted subdivision regulations.
    • Variances may be protested, which will require the affirmative vote of at least three-fourths of the Commission members present.
    • The current cost of processing a subdivision variance is $3,681 in addition to the cost of the plat application fees.

Site Development Plans

This page covers the Site Development Plan process.

Quick Links
General Information
  • Must be prepared by a licensed architect, engineer, and/or surveyor. 
  • Building permits will not be issued prior to site development plan approval.
  • Certificates of Occupancy will not be issued prior to all site inspections being completed and passed.
  • Irrigation plans and sign plans are separate permits: Approval of a site development plan does not constitute approval of either.
  • Scope of disturbance and amount of impervious cover may require a drainage plan be completed prior to the site development plan.

What is it?

  • A set of plans that shows the layout and configuration of a site, including but not limited to: building footprints, parking, public frontage design (streetscaping), landscaping, lighting, on-site utilities, and building elevations.

When is it required?

  • Required for all commercial sites, including multi-family developments over two units.
  • Required prior to making changes to the site, including but not limited to: fences, additions or additional structures, changes to parking lot striping, demolitions, landscaping, site lighting, etc.

What needs to be done before it is submitted (prerequisites)?

  • Hold a Pre-Development Meeting to discuss the project with City staff.
  • Show a current Platting Exemption letter or demonstrate the property is a legally platted lot in a recorded subdivision.
  • Have an approved Final Drainage Plan or certified letter demonstrating no changes to drainage as per the Stormwater Drainage Design Manual.

Is this subject to the Schedule of Uniform Submittal Dates?

Who approves it?

  • The Director of Development Services
  • Step 1: Due Diligence and Research

    • Review the current zoning and the associated regulations using the Place Type Zoning Map, B³ Code, and Pattern Book.
    • Prepare a conceptual layout showing the proposed zoning, building locations, driveway and parking. locations, primary frontage, public frontage plan, etc. in accordance with the B³ Code and Pattern Book
    • Contact the Development Services Department with questions as this is completed.

    Step 2: Pre-Development Meeting

    • Request a Pre-Development Meeting using the Request Manager in MyGov. The above mentioned layout is required as part of the request.
    • You will be contacted to schedule an appointment.
    • Staff will discuss site-specific challenges and ensure the site design is on track for compliance with the Codes.

    Step 3: Submit Application

    • Submit the Site Development Plan in accordance with the Schedule of Uniform Submittal Dates and in compliance with the Site Development Plan Checklist.
    • The submittal will be reviewed for completeness. If the submittal is incomplete, correction items will be issued to all applicants to remedy deficiencies. An additional $250 completeness check fee will be applied to the project.
    • Once the submittal is complete, it will be reviewed by Staff for compliance with all Codes. Comments or other direction issued as Correction Items.
    • Applicants will resubmit on the Instructions to Resubmit comment, in accordance with the Schedule of Uniform Submittal Dates.
    • The Director of Development Services will make a final determination and obtain signatures.
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The Mission of the City of Bastrop is to continuously strive to provide innovative and proactive services that enhance our authentic way of life to achieve our vision.