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Located at 1008 Water Street





8 AM-1 PM




4 PM-7 PM


Membership (monthly recurring) Resident
Resident memberships only applicable for those living within the City of Bastrop city limits.
Individual Membership $30 / month $35 / month

Family Membership

After purchase, a Bastrop Rec program staff person will be in contact to add the other members to your plan.

$50 / month
$40 / month $45 / month
Senior | Military | Person with Disabilities Individual Membership
$20 / month


    • No refund once membership fee has been paid.



    • Full refund for cancellations a minimum of 24 hours prior to program start date. Transfers, if applicable, are allowed up to a minimum of 24 hours prior to program start date, given slots available. There are no refunds within this 24 hour period or after program has begun.
  • WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY: By entering on these premises, you hereby release and forever discharge the City of Bastrop, for any physical or psychological injury, including but not limited to illness or death due to COVID-19, paralysis, damages, economical or emotional loss, that you may suffer as a direct or indirect result of your use or entry onto these premises. By entering into these premises, you hereby, for yourself, your heirs, executors, and assigns, knowingly and voluntarily waive and release the Released Parties of liability and waive any and all rights, claims or causes of action of any kind whatsoever arising out of your use or entry into these premises. You agree to voluntarily give up or waive any right to bring a legal action against the City of Bastrop for personal injury or property damage.

     The City of Bastrop further wants to ensure the safety of all to enjoy its facilities, programing, and activities, but is unable to guarantee the wiping down of surfaces or constant enforcement of other known COVID-19 health precautions.

    Therefore, you or your dependent are welcome to use any of the facilities or participate in any of the programing or activities if:

    • You and ALL members of your household are not experiencing any of the following symptoms: cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills or repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell.
    • You and ALL members of your household are not currently under quarantine due to having tested positive for COVID-19 or due to having been exposed or potentially exposed to COVID-19.
    • You and ALL members of your household within the last two weeks have not:
    • Tested positive in the last 2 weeks for the COVID-19 virus.
    • Had close contact with anyone confirmed to have the COVID-19 virus.
    • The frequent use of hand sanitizer and/or hand washing should be done prior to, during and after using any amenity or participating in any activity
    • Antibacterial wipes are provided for cleaning furniture or equipment before and after each personal use
    • Following any other safety measures that may be required on site.





(512) 332-8805   |


For general Parks & Rec inquiries, email

The Mission of the City of Bastrop is to continuously strive to provide innovative and proactive services that enhance our authentic way of life to achieve our vision.