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1311 Chestnut Street

Bastrop Texas 78602

Mailing Address: 

1311 Chestnut Street

Bastrop Texas 78602



8am - 5pm



(512) 332-8820

Unclaimed Property


The City of Bastrop is working to locate the owners of unclaimed funds. The 'Unclaimed Property Listing' includes individuals and businesses that may have failed to collect money owed to them. Common reasons for unclaimed funds include:


  • Utility deposit refunds or overpayments
  • Park pavilion deposit refunds
  • Uncashed payroll and vendor checks


Unclaimed amounts of $100 or less remain with the City, while amounts over $100 are submitted to the State Comptroller’s Office, where they are held until claimed.


For questions concerning the City of Bastrop's unclaimed property, please contact:

Finance Department
City of Bastrop
1311 Chestnut Street
Bastrop, Texas  78602

Phone: (512) 332-8820

June 2023 Unclaimed Property Listing
Unclaimed Property Owner Form

The Mission of the City of Bastrop is to continuously strive to provide innovative and proactive services that enhance our authentic way of life to achieve our vision.