City of Bastrop Social Services
FAQ by Partner
Can you help pay rental arrears?
I am homeless; can you help me into housing?
Can I shop for free at your Free Thrift Store? (yes)
Can you help me fill out forms for a Disability application?
Can you help me with FAFSA forms, Healthcare marketplace applications?
Can you help me find Pro Se resources for simple legal matters?
Do you have a day shelter where I can shower and cook myself a meal?
How do I apply for a Habitat home?
How can I volunteer with Habitat?
I heard Habitat does critical home repairs. How do I find out more info?
Can Habitat help be on homeowner education?
Can Habitat help with housing counseling?
What is the Habitat ReStore? Can I donate? Can I shop? Can I volunteer at ReStore?
How can WIC help my family?
Where can I get breastfeeding help?
Where can I get food/SNAP assistance?
I live in the City and need assistance with my utilities?
I am a senior and I need help with food where do I go?
How can I volunteer with the Food Pantry?
I am looking for educational classes about food nutrition, where do I start?
Where can I go to get help with food/groceries?
How can you help me with disaster repairs or rebuild?
Where can I get volunteers to help clear my property?
I would like to volunteer, where do I sign up?
How much does a pregnancy test cost?
Do I need to make an appointment?
Can I get an ultrasound?
Can you help someone who speaks only Spanish?
Do you refer for abortion?
Can you help with bills or gas money?
I’d like to volunteer at the Pregnancy Center. What are some ways I can help?
What kinds of donations are most needed at the Pregnancy Center?
Can I do community service at the Pregnancy Center?
Where can I find classes on childbirth/pregnancy?
Who is eligible for Patient Prescription Assistance?
What is the process and how long will it take to get the medications?
What programs can I get my kids involved in?
Doctor said I had to get active. Are there classes that even I can do?
My family member is having a mental break down can you help?
Do you offer Autism Services?
Do you offer healthcare for women?
My son/daughter has special needs can you help?
How can I get dental care?
I need help with housing can you help?
Do you offer pediatric services?
I need help with medication can you help?
Can you help with counseling?
I have chronic health problems can you help?
I need help with work can you help?
My family member is having trouble with the law can you help?
My family member is using drugs can you help?
Where can I find more about your organization and what you do?
I have a teenager, and live in the Bastrop City limits, who do I contact for the services you provide?
Do I have to be disabled to use a CARTS vehicle?
Do you provide services for seniors or persons with disabilities?
Is there a special fare for seniors or persons with disabilities?
I live in Rural Bastrop. How can I use public transportation to run my errands?
How do I schedule a RIDE or check to see if there is service in my area?
Do you offer service into Austin?
Can I bring my bike?
Is there a bus in Bastrop that can get me around town?
How much does it cost to ride?
Where can I find a schedule and a printed map?
Can I schedule a service online?
Need service in your area?
Do you have an app that people can purchase tickets on their mobile devices?
I am concerned about a child/children that are being abused what do i do?
What services do you provide to abused and neglected children?
I want to become a CASA Volunteer, where do I start?
I want to become a CAC Volunteer, where do I start?
Where can I / Group receive training on recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect?
How do I get help with a utility bill? Utility deposit?
Where can I find assistance with weatherization/minor home repairs?
Who do I call about Senior Meals? How much do they cost?
I need help with rent? Security Deposit?
I need services/counseling for my child?
I'm in an abusive relationship. Can you help me find a safe place to stay?
How do I get a Protective Order?
How can I go about getting counseling?
I'm in an abusive relationship. Can you help me with getting a divorce?
I'm in an abusive relationship. Can you help me with child custody?
Can you help me get child support?
Can you help me file for Crime Victim's Compensation?
Can you help me find housing?
Where can I get help with food, diapers, clothing, housewares, or other items I need?
I need help paying my deposit, utility, rent...
I need help with childcare.
How do I enroll for Protective Parenting Classes?
How do I enroll for Anger Management Classes?
How do I enroll for Batterer's Intervention?
I, or someone I know is a possible victim of trafficking. How do I get help?
I, or someone I know has been sexually assaulted. How do I get help?
I, or someone I know is in an abusive relationship. What do I do?
What services do you provide to family/domestic violence victims/survivors?
How can I, or a group that I am involved with received training on family/domestic violence, dating violenc, sexual assault, or stalking?
Pueden ayudar en Español? (Can you help in Spanish?)
What type of volunteer opportunities are available with Family Crisis Center?
What type of donations are most needed by Family Crisis Center?
What are the times and locations I can get a free meal?
What do I need to do in order to serve at a weekly site?
What is Head Start?
How do I Apply for Head Start?
What days and time are you open?
What time is breakfast/lunch?
How much does a meal cost?
Do you provide pantry items?
What do I have to do to receive a meal or food?
How many meals do you serve?
How long is your men’s program?
How do your S.A.F.E. shelters work?
Can single people stay?
How long can I stay in the S.A.F.E. shelter?
Can I take a shower?