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You must disconnect your utility account through the Billing & Customer Service Department to stop billing to your account.  Account holders will be held responsible for billing until service is either disconnected by account holder or connected by new occupant into their name.  DO NOT DEPEND ON LANDLORD TO STOP YOUR SERVICES.  Any balance remaining from utility account left unpaid for 60 days will go to collections.


To disconnect utility services with City of Bastrop utility services, email the following:

  • Name
  • Service Address
  • Phone
  • ID or DL Number used to set your account
  • Forwarding address for final bill or refund
  • Date you wish service to Disconnect


If you do not have an email account, you may go to Utility Service office, located at 1311 Chestnut St., during business hours (Monday - Friday 8am - 4:00pm; drive-thru till 4:00pm) and provide the above information.